
Manufactured Homes

What is a Manufactured Home?

Discover meticulously crafted manufactured homes within Oriole Park, often referred to as modular homes, built in one of Canada’s premier manufactured home facilities. These homes are then transported to your lot in one or more parts, tailored to fit the lot’s size, ensuring an efficient construction process. This method stands in contrast to stick-built homes, where materials are assembled on-site, thereby reducing the risk of weather-related delays.
The standardized construction of identical or similar units grants manufacturers precise control over the building process. Esteemed builders in the manufactured home industry are recognized for their commitment to excellence, delivering homes built to exacting standards. The advantages of manufactured homes are diverse, often surprising potential buyers with their suitability.


Experience the affordability of manufactured homes, typically offering lower costs compared to stick-built homes of similar size, with savings extending beyond the initial purchase. Available as new or used, newly constructed manufactured homes often boast superior energy efficiency, resulting in reduced heating and cooling expenses. Moreover, owning a manufactured home often proves more economical than renting, further enhancing its appeal. With its affordability, manufactured homes emerge as a top investment option for those seeking home ownership or multiple property acquisitions without straining their finances.


Embrace a simpler lifestyle with manufactured homes, scientifically validated to enhance mental well-being and overall health. As manufactured homes often offer less space compared to traditional homes, there’s reduced upkeep. A smaller home and land lot entail less landscaping and house maintenance, aligning with the desire for simplicity and ease of living.

Environmentally Friendly

Opt for environmentally friendly living with manufactured homes, typically having a lower environmental impact compared to stick-built homes. Their efficient building process results in minimal wasted materials, unlike stick-built homes where excess materials often end up in landfills due to the cost of transporting scraps to other job sites for reuse. Additionally, the energy-efficient design of many manufactured homes further contributes to reducing environmental impact.

What Is A Land Lease?

A land lease is an agreement where individuals own their homes but lease the land on which the homes are situated. The landlord charges rent for the use of the land, and residents pay this rent on a monthly basis. This arrangement allows residents to own their homes while leasing the land they sit on, providing a more affordable option compared to purchasing both land and home outright.

Long-Term Financial Perspective
View lot rent and fixed costs within the context of your long-term financial strategy. Over time, as your property appreciates in value, any initial expenses incurred will pale in comparison to the potential gains you’ll realize upon the sale of your home.

Recapturing Fixed Costs
Many fixed costs, such as landscaping, community amenities, and infrastructure maintenance, are covered by the park management, offsetting expenses and enhancing property value.

Equity Building and Appreciation
Build equity through property appreciation over time within this upscale community, leveraging potential gains for future investments or sale of your home.

Stability and Peace of Mind
Lock in housing costs through a land lease arrangement, gaining stability and predictability in monthly expenses.

All the Amenities you could want!

Oriole Park is proud to offer the ultimate independent recreational living as a private resort full of community involvement and entertainment.

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